This site contains a combined Chechen dictionary. Its main sources are:
  • Maciev 1960
  • Dzhamalxanov 1992
  • Original fieldwork by Komen (1993-2010)
Several different programs have been used to arrive at the result before you, dear reader.

I would like to mention the following tools:

  • Toolbox This has been the place where I've kept my own Chechen data, and this is the database format to which the scanned dictionaries were written. The data in the toolbox database were supposed to be according to the MDF standard.
  • Visual Basic .NET 2005/2008 All programming was done in VB.
  • Consistent Changes This nice little utility of SIL has proved its value time and again. For instance when fields had to be swapped in Toolbox.
  • LIFT I wrote my own SFM to LIFT (lexicon interchange format) converter, since none of the existing ones were able to handle the toolbox database I'd come up with well enough.