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[s0001] [[Vincent]:284.2] Unius Martiris Amen Amen dico uobis nisi granum frumenti cadens in terram mortuum fuerit ipsum solum manet et reliqua. [[Vincent]:286.3] Sođ, sođ, ic eow secge: [[Vincent]:286.4] Gif þæt isawene hwætene corn feallende on eorđen ne biđ fullice $beægđæd, hit wunæđ him sylf $anæ; [[Vincent]:286.5] ant he cwæđ eft þa: Gif hit sođlice beægđed biđ, hit bringæđ mycele wæstm forđ. [[Vincent]:290.6] Đe þe his sawla lufæđ, he forlyst heo witodlice; [[Vincent]:290.7] and þe đe his sawlæ hatæđ on þissere weorulde, þe heald hire on þam ecan life. [[Vincent]:293.8] Đe đe me đenæđ, fylige he me þenne; [[Vincent]:293.9] ant þær đær ic me sylf beo, þer biđ eac min þegn; [[Vincent]:293.10] and þe đe me đenaþ, him þonne arwurđađ min fæder almihtigæ þe đe is on heofenum. [[Vincent]:297.11] Đis godspel is nu isæd sceortlice on englisc, [[Vincent]:297.12] ac we wyllæđ openian eow þæt gastlic andgit, na swa đeah to langlice, þæt hit eow ne lađige. [[Vincent]:300.13] Æfter weorldþingum we witon to sođan þæt þæt asawene corn, gif hit ne chinæđ on þare moldan, and gif hit ne biđ ađyd of þam þe hit ær wæs, đet hit na ne weaxæđ, ac wunæđ him sylf anæ. [[Vincent]:304.14] Þæt clæne hwætene corn þe Crist þa embespæc tacnæđ hine sylfne þe sealde his lif for us, [[Vincent]:304.15] and he micelne wæstm of moncynne aber þurh his anes deađ, þe swiđe deorewurđe is; [[Vincent]:304.16] and he bringæđ þone wæstm, þæt beo we synfulle, into þe wynsume bærne þare ecan wununge. [[Vincent]:310.17] He wæs đa dead þurh þa iudeiscen, [[Vincent]:310.18] and he cwicede us þe on hine lyfæđ. [[Vincent]:312.19] Heo hine forluron, [[Vincent]:312.20] and we hine ilæhten; [[Vincent]:312.21] and his nomæ weaxæđ wunderlice on us swa mycel swiđor swa he mid heom is $iđryht, þæt he adwæsced beo on heoræ dwyldum. [[Vincent]:316.22] Rihtlice þæt hwætene corn, þe iclænsod is on wæstmum and ealræ sæde fyrmest, is iset on getacnunge ures hælendes Cristes for his heahlice mihte, for þan þe he oferstihđ alle isceaftæ. [[Vincent]:320.23] Đe þe his sawle lufæđ, he forlosæđ heo witodlice; [[Vincent]:320.24] and þe đe his sawlæ hatæđ on þissere weorulde, he healt hire sođlice on þam ecan life. [[Vincent]:323.25] Þæt is on twa wise witolice to secgene: [[Vincent]:323.26] gif þu wylt witodlice lif habbæn mid þam lifigendum hælende, ne ondræed þu đe to swæltænne for his sođan ileafan; [[Vincent]:323.27] and ne lufe þu þis lif, þæt đu on leahtrum wunige and þine sawle forleose on þe sođe life. [[Vincent]:328.28] Her is đeo sawla iset for þisse sceorte life, [[Vincent]:328.29] and þe đe on þissere weorulde witodlice leofæđ and on druncenesse his dagas aspent, be đam cwæđ Paulus, ne cymæđ he na to Godes rice. [[Vincent]:332.30] Iselige beođ þa đe heora sawlæ hatiæđ on þissere weorlde, þæt heo wislice libban þæt heo þa ecan murhđe moten habben mid Gode. [[Vincent]:335.31] Þa halige martyræs swa mycel forsægen þis andwearde lif, þæt heom leofere wæs to swæltanne for þæs hælendes namen ær þam þe heo hine wiđsocen, swa swa Uincencius dyde, be þam þe we eow sæden ær. [[Vincent]:339.32] Đe þe me þenæđ, fylige he me þenne. [[Vincent]:340.33] On monige wisum men þeniæđ Criste: sume on his đeowdome on isette timan; sume on mæsseþenunge and on monige bedum; [[Vincent]:340.34] sume on clænnesse for Cristes lufæn wuniæđ; [[Vincent]:340.35] sume sealden heora lif for his lufe to cwale; [[Vincent]:340.36] sume dođ ælmessan heoræ Drihtene to lofe; [[Vincent]:340.37] and swa hwa swa deđ his Drihtnes willan on enige wisan, he þenæđ him sylfum. [[Vincent]:348.38] Đe đe me þenæđ, fylige he me þenne. [[Vincent]:349.39] Gif we Criste đeniæđ, we sceolen him fyligen. [[Vincent]:350.40] We sceolon faran on his wegas, þæt is, on rihtwisnesse and sođfestnessæ simle þeniæn. [[Vincent]:352.41] And þer ic beo seolf, þær biđ eac min þegn. [[Vincent]:353.42] Her we magen ihyren hwæt he deđ us to leane, gif we him þeniæđ on eawfestum life and on wældedum: þæt we wuniæn moten þær þær he sylf biđ on þam sođe life on ece wuldre a to weorulde. [[Vincent]:358.43] And þe đe me þenæđ, hine þone arwurđæþ min almihtiga fæder þe đe is on heofenum. [[Vincent]:360.44] Mid hwylce $wyrđmente $arwyrđæđ þe fæder þone mon þe þenæđ on þisse life his sunu, butan mid þam wyrđmente þæt he wuniæn mote on þam ecan life þær þær he sylf biđ, and his wuldor iseon, and þare wynsumnesse a butæn ende brucæn mid alle his halgum? [[Vincent]:366.45] Hwa mæg æffre wilniæn mare wyrđmente, [[Vincent]:369.46] ođđe hwa durste þisses wilniæn, gif þe almihtiga hælend þisses ne behæte þam đe hine lufiæđ? Đe đe leofađ on ecnesse mid his almihtigæ fæder and þam halgan gaste on anre godcundnesse, on ane mægenđryme, on anum gecynde a on ecnesse. [[Vincent]:372.47] Amen.